
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Aturan Rok Mini Indonesia Jadi Berita Dunia

Rencana pemerintah melarang para wanita mengenakan rok mini menjadi berita halaman depan media terkemuka Eropa, dailymail. Media terbitan Inggris itu menyebutkan bahwa itu merupakan reaksi pemerintah atas tuduhan korupsi dan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM). Larangan itu sendiri dilakukan dengan alasan karena bisa menyebabkan pria tidak bisa menahan diri.

Media itu pada 29 maret 2012 mengutip menteri Agama Suryadharma Al, menyebutkan salah satu pertimbangan dalam review dari apa yang bisa dianggap porno 'ketika seseorang memakai rok di atas lutut. Karena itu, katanya Menteri Suryadharma Ali mulai perang melawan rok min,i segera setelah ia ditunjuk untuk menjalankan fungsinya dalam gugur tugas Indonesia anti-porno awal bulan ini.

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono membentuk gugus tugas anti-pornografi. Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah penduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia, atau setara dengan 12 persen penduduk Islam di dunia.

Media itu juga mengutip Ketua DPR Marzuki Alie yang mengecam pemakaian rok mini. Ia meminta politisi perempuan yang memilih untuk memakai rok di atas lutut. Marzuki, katanya sedang mempersiapkan rancanngan melarang politisi perempuan dan staf dari memakai rok mini karena 'ada banyak kasus perkosaan dan tindakan amoral lainnya baru-baru ini dan ini adalah karena perempuan tidak mengenakan pakaian yang sesuai.

Dia menambahkan: "Anda tahu seperti apa pria itu - pakaian provokatif akan membuat mereka melakukan sesuatu. '

Banyak pengamat menilai larangan rok mini merupakan respon pemerintah penasaran untuk tuduhan korupsi di kalangan politisi dan demonstrasi ribuan orang yang menentang rencana kenaikan harga BBM.

Informasi tersebut menapat reaksi keras dari pembaca dailymail yang dituangkan dalam halaman komentar media tersebut., Seorang yang mengaku sebagai warga Inggris mengatakan, "Pemerintah inggris harus melarang pria Indonesia datang ke Inggris pada musim panas karena dikhawatirkan melalukan pemerkosaan melihat para wanita mengenakan pakaian serba mini."

Komentar lainnya menyebutkan bahwa pria Indonesia bersikap seperti anak-anak, "Pria yang tidak bisa menahan diri adalah pria yang tidak dewasa. Itu adalah tindakan anak-anak."


Lima Tanda Wanita Sukai Pria

detail beritaBINGUNG menandai apakah wanita yang didekati menyukai Anda? Ketahui hatinya lewat sinyal ini.

Wanita sering kali kurang bisa mengekspresikan diri. Hal ini tentu dapat menyulitkan pria dalam menebak kondisi hatinya. Padahal dalam sebuah hubungan cinta, perasaan saling cinta sesekali perlu diketahui satu sama lain. Simak beberapa tip berikut untuk mengetahui jawabannya, seperti dilansir Boldsky.

Dia membutuhkan Anda
Ketika dia mencari Anda setiap waktu, maka dapat ditunjukkan bahwa dia tertarik pada Anda dan menyukai Anda. Namun, pendekatan yang ramah dapat menunjukkan ketertarikan dirinya terhadap Anda. Jika dia menganggap Anda lebih dari teman, maka dia akan selalu membutuhkan Anda setiap waktu.

Kontak mata yang kuat

Ketika berbicara dengan Anda, lihatlah gerakan matanya. Jika dia melihat jauh ke dalam mata dan bibir Anda, maka artinya dia tertarik dan menyukai Anda. Sebaliknya jika dia mencoba untuk menghindari kontak mata, maka dapat dikatakan dia tidak menyukai Anda.

Pipi memerah

Wanita merasa bahagia ketika menemukan orang yang mereka sukai. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari tampilan pipi yang memerah, di mana menandakan mereka tersipu-sipu malu bertemu Anda.


Ketika seorang wanita yang Anda sukai mencoba untuk mencari alasan kecil untuk berbicara dengan Anda, maka sinyal itu dapat menunjukkan bahwa dia tertarik pada Anda. Guna memastikannya, perhatikan hal ini ketika dirinya mencoba untuk berkomunikasi dengan Anda.

Jika dia mencoba untuk mendekati Anda dengan sentuhan yang ramah atau fisik, hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa wanita tersebut menyukai Anda dan tertarik untuk bergaul dengan Anda. Saat sedang jalan bersama misalnya, benturan tangan, menepuk bahu sambil bercanda adalah beberapa tanda-tanda sentuhan yang mengguratkan ketertarikan dirinya pada Anda. (ind)


Samsung Galaxy SII Langka di Pasaran

Meski sudah lebih dari setengah tahun Samsung Galaxy SII meluncur di pasar Indonesia, popularitasnya hingga kini belum lah surut. Smartphone Android ini merupakan ponsel premium, dengan prosesor dual core plus layar 4,3 inci. Fiturnya canggih hingga mampu memikat konsumen.

Kepopuleran Galaxy S II bukanlah omong kosong belaka. Hingga Februari lalu ponsel ini telah terjual hingga lebih dari 20 juta unit di seluruh penjuru dunia, sejak kemunculannya pertama kali di pasaran global pada April 2011.

Untuk pasar Indonesia, Samsung Galaxy S II ini pun terbilang sukses di pasaran. Uniknya, berdasarkan pantauan PULSAonline (Selasa 27/03/2012) diketahui ponsel ini langka di pasaran, dimana sulit dijumpai di beberapa gerai toko, termasuk di ITC Roxy Mas, Jakarta.

Langkanya Samsung Galaxy SII tersebut diamini oleh beberapa penjual yang kami temui di ITC Roxy Mas. Menurut penuturan Ria, salah seorang SPG Samsung, kelangkaan ini sudah terjadi semenjak seminggu terakhir. Imbas dari langkanya Galaxy SII dipasaran tentu lah membuat konsumen yang ingin memilikinya sedikit kecewa. Bahkan, kalau pun didapatkan harganya lebih mahal dibandingkan harga pasaran yang ada.

Beberapa konsumen yang diwawancarai PULSAonline mengungkapkan rasa kekecewaannya, karena tak mendapatkan perangkat ini. Sebut saja Reno, dimana telah sekian lama menabung untuk membeli gadget canggih ini,namun ternyata tidak ready stock.

Ketika ditanya perihal alasannya ingin membeli Galaxy S II, jawabnya adalah Samsung Galaxy S II dinilai memiliki fitur sangat mumpuni dibanding ponsel Android lain. Dan, untuk purna jual dinilai bakal tetap tinggi.Selain itu faktor desain yang slim juga menjadi alasan memilih smartphone ini.

Menariknya, dari sekian banyak toko yang ada di ITC Roxy Mas, hanya ada satu toko yang menjualnya. Dan, itu pun stocknya hanya tinggal 1 unit saja. “Stoknya Samsung Galaxy S II sekarang mulai langka mas,” ungkap penjaga konter tersebut. Seperti yang sudah diungkapkan di awal, imbas kelangkaan ini tentu ah harga yang jadi meroket. Untuk menebus Galaxy S II harus merogoh Rp 5.350.000. Padahal harga pasaran sebelumnya cuma Rp 5.150.000,-.

Melihat fenomena itu, banyak spekulasi adanya strategi marketing dari pihak Samsung Indonesia terkait kelangkaan Galaxy S II. Namun, bisa jadi langkah ini diambil untuk mendongkrak penjualan produk lain seperti Galaxy Nexus, yang dari kabar yang beredar di pasar kurang diminati konsumen. Padahal dari sisi OS, Galaxy Nexus sudah mengusung Android terbaru, Ice Cream Sandwich. Untuk hal ini, sayang PULSAonline belum mendapatkan konfirmasi langsung dari pihak Samsung Indonesia.(Dn)

Blackberry Bekas Laris Diburu Konsumen

ilustrasi (IST.)

Pasar BlackBerry di Indonesia tercatat masih sangat besar. Tak heran jika RIM (Research in Motion) menganggap negeri ini sebagai sebagai ladang mengeruk keuntungan, pasar potensial. Bahkan belum lama ini produsen BlackBerry tersebut membangun BlackBerry Store di mal Gandaria City-Jakarta, yang tercatat terbesar di Asia, dimana bekerjasama dengan distributor TAM.

Pesona perangkat BlackBery bagi konsumen, baik remaja hingga dewasa terutama terletak pada fasilitas BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) dan push email. Untuk fasilitas ini tercatat banyak vendor coba mengekor, meski hasilnya belum terlihat maksimal. Malahan, saat booming-nya BlackBerry di pasaran beberapa ponsel merk lokal coba menjiplak disainnya untuk menggaet segmen low-end, yang sekaligus

mengkombinasikannya dengan fitur khas ponsel Cina (sebutan umum ponsel lokal) dual slot kartu SIM (dual on).

Kini meski tren ponsel beralih ke model Android, permintaan pasar akan ponsel BlackBerry pun terhitung masih tinggi. Memang banyak seri baru ditawarkan RIM, namun banderolnya masih dirasa cukup tinggi hingga konsumennya pun terbatas. Sebagai gambaran, mayoritas pengguna BlackBerry di Indonesia masih sebatas membutuhkan akses chatting, social media dan BBM saja dari perangkatnya. Belum memerlukan fitur-fitur canggih yang disodorkan perangkat BlackBerry terkini.

Alhasil, banyak calon penikmat BlackBerry memburu BlackBerry dengan banderol terjangkau, tak terkecuali kondisi bekas pakai (seken). Hal ini dikuatkan dengan pernyataan salah satu pedagang di salah satu toko di ITC Roxy Mas Jakarta,”hp pakai sistem operasi banyak, tapi BlackBerry tetap ada penikmatnya sendiri dan dari segi penjualan masih tergolong laku”, demikian ujarnya.

Kembali menurut pedagang, ponsel BlackBerry (kondisi baru) memang banderolnya cenderung menurun. Namun, bisa dikatakan tetap dapat bertahan kuat beberapa waktu ke depan karena memiliki fitur yang belum ada di sistem operasi lain. Maka permintaannya pun masih relatif besar.

Banyak konsumen lebih suka berburu BlackBerry seken, karena selain harga jauh lebih murah, fitur-fitur yang ada pun dirasa tetap sama seperti versi baru. Beberapa type yang laris dicari calon konsumen yakni tipe BlackBery Gemini (Curve 8520), BlackBerry Onyx dan Onyx 2 (9700 dan 9780), BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300, BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9105 serta BlackBerry Torch 9800. Untuk harga berturut-turut ada di kisaran Rp 1.15 juta, Rp 2.05 juta, Rp 3 juta, Rp 1.75 juta, Rp 1.65 juta dan Rp 3.1 jutaan.

Bahkan demi mendapatkan produk yang lebih murah, BlackBerry kondisi bekas pakai tersebut pun dicari yang eks garansi distributor, bukan eks garansi resmi. Selisihnya lumayan, yang bisa mencapai 100 ribuan, hingga lebih ramah di kantong. Tak terkecuali kondisi batangan alias hanya unit dan charger, tanpa dus dan kelengkapan lain (tetap garansi toko, misal 7 hari atau 1 bulan), yang bisa jauh lebih murah lagi, dengan fungsi yang sama.

Setidaknya itulah beberapa tipe BlackBerry yang menurut pantauan di pasaran masih banyak diburu konsumen, terutama yang memiliki budget pas-pasan. Bagaimana dengan Anda, pilih baru atau seken? Atau malah pilih smartphone lain, Android atau Windows Phone misalnya? Pastinya sesuai selera dan kebutuhan. (Dn/Wr) 


'CEO Apple Sekarang Lebih Baik Ketimbang Steve Jobs'

detail berita
Tim Cook (Foto: Reuters)
CALIFORNIA – Menurut jajak pendapat karyawan Apple, CEO baru mereka, Tim Cook melakukan pekerjaan lebih baik daripada pendahulunya, Steve Jobs. Jajak pendapat oleh situs pekerjaan, itu memberikan Cook 97 persetujan, dua poin lebih tinggi dibandingkan Jobs.

Dilansir dari DailyMail, Minggu (1/4/2012), peringkat Cook itu untuk jangka waktu dari Maret 2011 hingga Maret 2012, sedangkan untuk Jobs selama Maret 2010 hingga Maret 2011.

“Supaya adil, perbedaaan 2 persen merupakan kesenjangan yang cukup kecil terutama jika Anda mempertimbangkan berapa lama Jobs memimpin dan Cook yang baru duduk di posisi tersebut,” ujar Blogger, OM Malik yang melaporkan hasil statistik

Cook memang masih berada dalam periode 'bulan madu', karena baru tujuh bulan menyandang tugas resminya sebagai CEO.

Cook telah memimpin perusahaan yang didirikan oleh Steve Jobs tersebut selama periode pertumbuhan yang besar. Sementara itu,  persetujuan untuk peringkat Cook juga lebih tinggi dibandingkan CEO perusahaan teknologi lainnya, seperti Paul Jacobs (95 persen) di Qualcomm dan Larry Page (94 persen) dari Google.

(fmh) sumber

Jual Ponsel Android Bekas, Resiko Pencurian Identitas Mengintai

Bagi Anda yang telah bosan dengan ponsel Android yang Anda miliki dan berniat untuk menjualnya, informasi berikut mungkin akan berguna bagi Anda sebelum perangkat itu benar-benar dilepas ke pihak lain.
 Robert Siciliano, seorang peneliti di McAfee yang konsen terhadap pencurian identitas, memperingatkan bahwa data pribadi dari perangkat Android ternyata tidak benar-benar dihapus setelah pengguna mengaktifkan pilihan untuk menghapus yang telah disediakan.

"Apa yang sungguh menakutkan adalah bahkan jika Anda mengikuti protokol, data masih ada," kata Siciliano sebagaimana dikutip PULSAonline via LA Times.

Dibanding Android, ternyata perangkat BlackBerry dan Apple ternyata masih terbilang lebih aman. Pasalnya menurut Siciliano, data pengguna pada perangkat BlackBerry dan Apple dapat sepenuhnya dihapus dengan mengikuti pentunjuk dari produsen.

Adapun bagi pengguna perangkat Android dan PC yang menjalankan Windows XP, peneliti itu menyarankan kepada penggunanya untuk tidak menjual perangkat yang telah dipakainya ke pihak lain. Sebaliknya, peneliti itu menyarankan agar perangkat itu lebih baik disimpan atau bahkan dimusnahkan.

"Anda tentunya tidak ingin menjual identitas Anda seharga 50 dollar," kata Siciliano.
Apa yang dikatakan Siciliano memang bukan sekadar basa-basi atau sekedar cerita untuk menakut-nakuti para pengguna perangkat Android. Sebelum memberi kesimpulan tersebut, ternyata peneliti itu telah menguji keamanan dari berbagai platform.

Siciliano telah membeli sebanyak 30 unit smartphone dan komputer dari Craiglist. Peneliti itu pun berhasil mengakses data pribadi dari 15 perangkat di antaranya melalui hacking yang dilakukannya sendiri serta atas bantuan seorang ahli forensik. Beberapa data penting pengguna pun akhirnya dapat diperoleh oleh peneliti itu.
Jadi, pikirkanlah secara masak sebelum Anda memutuskan untuk menjual ponsel Android Anda ke pihak lain. Setuju? (Ozi) sumber

Arti Mimpi Buruk Soal Kerja

Melalui bukunya berjudul Dream On It, Unlock Your Dreams Change Your Life, Lauri Loewenberg berpendapat, ketakutan tidak bisa melakukan yang terbaik menjadi salah satu penyebab mimpi buruk. Tak hanya sebagai bunga tidur, mimpi-mimpi itu juga memiliki arti yang bisa kita gunakan untuk melesatkan karier.

"Saat mimpi buruk menghampiri, jangan terlalu larut untuk memikirkannya. Melainkan lihatlah apa isi pesan di dalamnya. Sebab, mimpi merupakan warning system alam bawah sadar yang bisa membantu Anda terhindar dari hal yang tidak diinginkan," kata Loewenberg yang berprofesi sebagai Dream Expert.

* Mimpi melanggar deadline.

Loewenberg berpendapat tak menepati deadline akibat kejadian tak terduga atau di luar logika adalah mimpi yang paling banyak dialami karyawan yang bekerja dengan target.

Walau buruk, mimpi ini mengingatkan Anda untuk membuat daftar pekerjaan. Jangan hanya menggunakan agenda, sebaiknya manfaatkan kehadiran smartphone untuk memberi warning alarm satu hari sebelumnya.

Sebab, disiplin menunjukkan kredibilitas Anda di mata atasan. Datanglah 15 menit sebelum jam yang ditentukan atau selesaikan laporan sebelum hari deadline untuk mengantisipasi kejadian tak terduga. Jangan lupa untuk mem-backup data penting agar mimpi tak jadi kenyataan.

Di level yang lebih dalam, mimpi ini menandakan kalau Anda sebenarnya cnta dengan pekerjaan ini dan ingin melakukan yang terbaik. Kecuali jika Anda bermimpi punya pekerjaan di tempat lain dan merasa bahagia. Itu berarti sudah waktunya Anda pergi dan mencari pekerjaan baru yang lebih baik.

* Mimpi proyek yang dijalankan tak sesuai rencana.

Mimpi buruk menyimpan nasihat yang baik. Dalam kasus ini, Loewenberg mengartikan, kemampuan manajerial Anda tampaknya perlu ditingkatkan, baik dalam mengatur jadwal hingga membangun kerjasama dalam tim. Anda telah dipercaya perusahaan untuk menjalankan sebuah proyek, jadi pastikan pekerjaan tersebut ditangani oleh orang-orang yang kompeten di bidangnya.

* Mimpi dipermalukan di depan umum.

Mimpi yang memalukan menunjukkan kalau Anda sangat memerhatikan penilaian orang lain dan selalu ingin tampil sempurna. Namun, tidak semua hal bisa berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang kita harapkan. Kadang kita harus menerima kondisi itu dan move on!

Berhati-hatilah dalam menggunakan media sosial, jaga sikap di depan umum, serta terima konsekuensi atas apa yang Anda kerjakan.

* Mimpi gagal meraih pekerjaan impian.
Kegagalan yang dialami dalam mimpi mengingatkan Anda untuk mengubah pola pikir menjadi lebih positif dan percaya diri. Termasuk lebih sabar dalam meraih pekerjaan impian, sebab tak ada yang instan di dunia ini.

Apa pun bisa terjadi, atau tidak terjadi, semua itu bergantung pada keyakinan pikiran dan hati.

(Ayunda Pininta Kasih) sumber

Apple moves to share cost burden in China

(Financial Times) -- The tour of China by Tim Cook this week had all the trappings of an official visit by a popular head of state.
There were the staged photos of the Apple chief executive's handshake with the Chinese vice-premier and of his visit to an iPhone production line, not forgetting the "man of the people" shot of him posing with customers at an Apple store.
Mr Cook is, after all, the head of a company whose $108bn in sales in its last fiscal year was equivalent to the gross domestic product of Iraq.
The Apple chief appeared to be revered and his attention to China appreciated by ordinary people.
"It is laudable that he shows up here, where people work so hard to make Apple products and spend so much money to buy them," said one of many comments on Sina Weibo, China's leading Twitter equivalent.

But while this was, by all accounts, a successful diplomatic and trade mission, its political implications spread well beyond China's borders. The visit appeared timed to coincide with Thursday's release of the Fair Labor Association's report on conditions in Chinese factories where Apple products are made. It found at least 50 "serious and pressing non-compliances" with its own workplace code of conduct and Chinese labour law.

Apple's welcoming of the report's recommendations and Mr Cook's visit to the factory floor seemed intended to soothe international criticism that alleged Apple made huge profits on the back of poorly paid and badly treated assembly workers in China.
Dozens of labour rights organisations from the US to Poland, India and Indonesia wrote an open letter to Mr Cook this week demanding Apple provide a living wage for Chinese workers so they did not have to work excessive overtime. They wanted an end to the use of involuntary labour in the shape of student interns and called for staff to be given health and safety training and the ability to form a genuine trade union.
The recommendations of the FLA and the agreement to them by Apple and its main supplier Foxconn appear to answer these points. There were commitments that would reduce working hours to legal limits while protecting pay and improving conditions.
"If implemented, these commitments will significantly improve the lives of more than 1.2m Foxconn employees and set a new standard for Chinese factories," said Auret van Heerden, FLA president.
But perceptions of Chinese conditions and Apple and Foxconn's behaviour are different in China itself, where jobs in the factories are seen as highly desirable and paying well above the going rate. A queue of 1,000 people awaited interviews outside a Foxconn facility near Shenzhen last month.
A younger generation of Chinese also have a different work ethic -- preferring to work excessively to get the money they need and then leaving a company -- giving employers like Foxconn the problem of a high turnover rate, one of the biggest issues faced by Chinese manufacturers. The promise to the FLA of more substantial basic pay may actually help Foxconn keep employees longer term.
Indirectly, being seen as a force for higher pay and better working conditions in China may also help to support Apple's recent efforts to appeal to Chinese consumers.
Although Apple has recognised China in recent years as one of its fastest-growing markets, for a long time it did little to give it special treatment. Its China subsidiary is run by a low-key former Hewlett-Packard executive, who industry insiders say has little clout with headquarters.
In stark contrast to many other multinationals, which make great efforts to highlight their special commitment to China with local research and development, frequent new investments and customised products, Apple has refused to divert from the marketing strategy it uses in other markets.
For a while, the delayed launches and scarce supply of its products in China seemed to fire up local consumers' enthusiasm for the cult brand even further. But over the past year, the company started seeing limits to that approach and faced a series of challenges.
Its past two local product launches triggered riots involving the unlicensed resellers who have come to dominate the distribution and retailing of iPhones and iPads in China.
Following the launch of the new iPad this month, Chinese customs started stricter checks aimed at stopping smugglers from bringing in the device for resale in the country. This week, a crackdown on grey-market iPhone resellers in the southern city of Shenzhen triggered a suspension of iPhone sales by a number of unlicensed online traders.
Apple is also fighting a legal battle over the Chinese iPad trademark, which is registered under the name of Proview Shenzhen, a struggling technology firm.
Analysts expect Apple to swallow much, if not all, of the costs of the improvements recommended by the FLA. Labour rights organisations have pointed out Foxconn's limited ability to do so with profit margins falling as low as 1.5 per cent compared with those of more than 30 per cent for Apple. Foxconn has already implemented a series of wage increases over the past two years.
"When Foxconn hiked wages the last time, Apple paid for it," said Kirk Yang, head of Asia ex-Japan tech hardware research at Barclays Capital. "Apple used to pay Foxconn $8 for every iPhone and $10 for every iPad, but they hiked the price by about 30 per cent."
The larger burden for Apple is part of a shift that has been under way since 2010.
When Foxconn announced its first wage increase after a series of suicides among its Chinese workers, it said the time had come for other parts of the technology value chain to shoulder some of the soaring labour costs in China.
"There does seem to be a new trend that customers [of contract manufacturers] are more willing to share the cost when it comes to labour-related issues," said Jenny Lai, analyst at HSBC.
Thompson Wu, a technology analyst with Credit Suisse, said the review of Apple's supply chain, which is being continued by the FLA beyond the initial three Foxconn factories, was likely to influence other contract manufacturers as well.
"Particularly, Quanta, which plays an important role in the MacBook space, and Pegatron, which assembles iPhones, are likely to come under similar examination," he said.
With a huge share of contract manufacturing for the global supply chain done in China, many companies with smaller financial resources than Apple -- the world's most valuable company by market capitalisation -- will be viewing the cost of this week's events with trepidation. source

What if Israel bombs Iran?

Editor's note: Gary Sick served on the National Security Council staff under Presidents Ford, Carter and Reagan, and was the principal White House aide for Iran during the Iranian Revolution and the hostage crisis. Sick is a senior research scholar and adjunct professor of international affairs at Columbia University, a member of the board of Human Rights Watch in New York, and founding chair of its advisory committee on the Middle East and North Africa.

Israelis demonstrate on Saturday in Tel Aviv against war with Iran.
Israelis demonstrate on Saturday in Tel Aviv against war with Iran. "Bibi" is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

 (CNN) -- Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning and discover that during the night. Israeli planes had conducted a bombing raid on Iran. How would your world have changed?
Apart from the sensational headlines and breathless reports, the initial change might not be very significant. You would probably want to know whether the United States approved or assisted in the attack on Iran's nuclear sites. In fact, it doesn't really matter. Just about everyone in the world will assume that the U.S. was complicit, regardless of what Washington says.

Let's assume that Israel notified the Obama administration about the same time the planes were taking off, if only to ensure that U.S. aircraft and missiles in the Persian Gulf region would not interfere with the bombers and refueling aircraft as they passed over one or more Arab countries. But for Iran and just about everyone else, the fact that most of the Israeli aircraft and bombs were made in the U.S. would be all they needed to know.
On that first morning, the U.N. Security Council would convene in emergency session to consider a resolution denouncing the Israeli raid. If the United States vetoed the resolution, that would remove any lingering doubt of U.S. complicity.
Perhaps more significant, however, would be European support of the resolution. This would signal the beginning of the collapse of the sanctions coalition against Iran that had been so laboriously assembled over the past several years. Both the Europeans and the Americans had operated on the tacit belief that crippling sanctions were an alternative to war. With the outbreak of war, that assumption would no longer be valid.
What would Iran do? Everyone would be poised for a massive military response. They might be surprised.
Iran would almost certainly give the required 90 days notice of its intention to quit the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and terminate inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Iranian officials would not necessarily announce that they intended to proceed with development of a nuclear weapon, but they would certainly make clear that as a nonnuclear state that had been attacked by another state with nuclear weapons, that was a decision that was entirely up to them. All enriched uranium stocks would be removed from IAEA seal, and all monitoring cameras would be removed.
A different twist would be introduced if Iran had succeeded in shooting down one or more of the Israeli planes. One or more Israeli pilots in Iranian hands would sharply increase the risk of further escalation by either the United States or Israel.
Of more general significance, the markets would realize that some two million barrels a day of Iranian oil were now removed from the world market for an indeterminate period of time, and the price of oil would jump. The head of the IMF has suggested that an immediate increase of 20% to 30% could be expected.
But that could be just the beginning. It is not hard to imagine that, in the days following the attack, there would suddenly be unexplained pipeline explosions in Iraq, possibly by pro-Iranian militias, which might remove another million barrels per day from the market.
The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean might also be attacked.
Moreover, one might expect disruptions in oil delivery and loading in Arab ports up and down the Gulf, some because of sabotage but others from cyberattacks on the control systems. Iran would attribute these to "the hand of God," but the more pragmatic effect would be a very substantial portion of the world's oil suddenly removed from world supply.
If sustained over more than a few weeks, the scramble to replace large volumes of Persian Gulf and Caspian oil would drive up the price of oil, and gasoline, to unprecedented heights.
That would constitute a huge tax on the world's economies, just at the moment when they were showing signs of recovery from the Great Recession. Extremely vulnerable economies, such as the southern European states, could be tipped into bankruptcy, but all states would face significant challenges as a surge in transportation and manufacturing costs rippled through all aspects of their industries. This is Iran's true weapon of mass destruction.
Regardless of whether Iran should choose to retaliate openly against U.S. forces or Israel, it would be extremely difficult for the United States to avoid entering into a third Middle East war. Most of the top security officials in the Pentagon have warned against such a war, so the internal opposition in the administration is likely to be great. The combination of widespread opposition to Iran, however, and the appeal of self-defense would be difficult to resist, particularly in an election year.
Most experts agree that the Iranian nuclear program cannot be eliminated ultimately without an actual military presence on the ground and forcible regime change. The American public, showing real signs of war weariness after two ground wars over more than a decade, is unlikely to be enthusiastic about a military confrontation with Iran that is likely to be far more costly and indeterminate than either Iraq or Afghanistan. That could prompt a public debate about the extent of U.S. and Israeli common interests.
The danger of such an outcome was hinted by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak when he suggested to the Knesset that "Israel should increase its sensitivity, awareness and attentiveness to requirements based on the reality in the United States and adopt a policy that strengthens the special relationship between the two countries."
The biggest threat, however, would not be the first day or even the first week after an Israeli attack. The greatest threat might well be the first year or more after an attack, particularly if a major economic crisis was accompanied by growing evidence that Iran had proceeded underground and out of sight of the international community to produce a nuclear weapon.
That would make our present situation, before any attack, look wonderfully attractive by comparison.

Menguak Fakta & Mitos Orgasme Wanita

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Saatnya bercinta (Foto: Corbis)
PERSEPSI bahwa wanita kerap memalsukan orgasme mungkin menjadi hal yang mengganggu. Ketahui seluk beluknya lebih lanjut agar Anda tidak salah memahaminya.

Fakta terjadinya orgasme yang sesungguhnya yakni dikarenakan adanya kontraksi otot dalam tubuh dan dikombinasikan dengan peningkatan tekanan darah. Dari sana, kenikmatan pun dapat muncul sebagai hasilnya. Meski kenyataannya demikian, namun tak jarang banyak pria yang dilanda kebingungan. Jika Anda adalah salah satunya, berikut ada lima fakta tentang orgasme wanita dari Dr A Chakravarthy, Konsultan Reproductive & Sexual Medicine at International Association of Sexual Medicine, seperti dilansir Times of India.

Mitos 1: Umumnya wanita dapat mencapai orgasme hanya melalui hubungan seksual.

Fakta: Salah satu dari tiga wanita mendapatkan orgasme secara teratur selama hubungan seksual. Beberapa di antaranya dapat mencapai orgasme dengan berhubungan seksual, tetapi mereka pun membutuhkan tindakan ekstra untuk membangkitkannya. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa orgasme adalah klimaks seksual ketika Anda mendapatkannya. Bagaimana seorang wanita mencapai orgasme tidak ada hubungannya dengan kesehatan mentalnya atau kedewasaan emosional.

Mitos 2: Karena tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk mencapai orgasme berarti ada sesuatu yang salah dengan wanita atau pasangannya.

Fakta: Wanita yang mampu klimaks seksual tetapi tidak dapat melakukannya lebih, bisa jadi dikarenakan beberapa masalah medis atau dampak dari obat. Wanita yang tidak pernah berhasil tiba di puncak kenikmatan seks mungkin tidak menyadari tentang apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk dapat mencapai orgasme.

Mitos 3: Klitoris atau stimulasi G-spot lebih  dari 5 menit dapat menghasilkan orgasme.

Fakta: Meskipun ada banyak cara untuk dapat membantu wanita mencapai klimaks seksual, pada akhirnya seorang wanita adalah sumber untuk menciptakan kesenangannya sendiri.

Mitos 4: Keturunan dan gen memiliki dampak langsung pada orgasme wanita.

Fakta: Faktor keturunan adalah alasan yang memegang sepertiga dari variasi tingkat populasi dalam orgasme wanita.

Mitos 5: Beberapa wanita hanya tidak mampu mencapai orgasme.

Fakta: Sekira 10 persen wanita memiliki catatan tidak mencapai puncak kenikmatan seks selama hubungan seksual. Ketidakmampuan untuk mencapai orgasme dikenal sebagai anorgasmia. Ini dapat berupa primer atau sekunder. Anorgasmia primer adalah tahap di mana seorang wanita tidak pernah mampu untuk mencapai puncak kenikmatan seks dengan cara apapun. Anorgasmia sekunder adalah orgasme dirasakan di beberapa titik di masa lalu atau situasional (orgasme dapat dirasakan di tempat-tempat intim tertentu tetapi tidak yang lain, misalnya, dengan foreplay tapi tidak dengan berhubungan seksual). (ind)
(tty) sumber

53 Mahasiswa Ditetapkan Tersangka

aksi demo berujung bentrok (foto:okezone)
aksi demo berujung bentrok (foto:okezone)
JAKARTA - Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya (Polda) menetapkan 53 demonstran yang menggelar aksi unjuk rasa menolak kenaikan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) di Salemba, Kamis malam, resmi jadi tersangka.

"Mereka ditetapkan tersangka sejak kemarin sore," ungkap Juru bicara Kepolisian Metro, Kombes Rikwanto, di kantornya, Sabtu (31/3/2012).

Ke 53 demonstran itu, dijerat pasal 187 dan 170 Kitab Undang-undang Pidana. Mereka diduga membuat kejahatan yang membahayakan keamanan dan pengeroyokan. "Ancaman hukumannya 4 tahun ke atas," tegas Rikwanto.

Kamis malam lalu, Jalan Salemba memang membara. Gas air mata, letusan, dan aksi bakar-barakan terjadi di antara kampus YAI dan UKI. Aparat Polisi berhadapan dengan para demonstran yang menolak kebijakan kenaikan harga BBM per 1 April.

Bentrok terjadi akibat aksi dinilai aparat kepolisian sudah kelewat batas. Akibat bentrok tersebut, sejumlah demonstran tertembak.

Bahkan, Kapolsek Senen, Kompol Imam Zebua menjadi korban brutal mahasiswa, hingga pingsan dan harus menjalani perawatan intensif.

Bahkan, kemarin malam, detik-detik DPR mengumumkan kenaikan BBM, aksi terjadi lagi, di depan sekretariat GMKI. 17 Mahasiswa ditahan. Hingga saat ini masih dalam pemeriksaan di Kepolisian Metro Jakarta.


Ruhut: PKS Tetap di Koalisi, Tapi Copot Semua Menterinya

Ruhut Sitompul (foto: Okezone)
Ruhut Sitompul (foto: Okezone)
JAKARTA – Ketua Departemen Komunikasi dan Informasi Partai Demokrat, Ruhut Sitompul, mengatakan sikap Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) yang menolak kenaikan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) bersubsidi sudah tak bisa ditolerir lagi. Bahakan kata dia, partai anggota Sekretariat Gabungan (Setgab) koalisi lainnya sudah muak dengan sikap tak seirama PKS di koalisi.
“Kalau PKS, sepertinya partai koalisi yang lain sudah muntah. Mau ngasih penjelasan apapun PKS, sudah tak bisa diterima,” ujar Ruhut kepada okezone, Minggu (1/4/2012).

Apalagi, kata dia, PKS selalu membuat manuver politik terhadap Demokrat. Oleh sebab itu, kata dia PKS harus diberi sanksi. “Dulu menterinya empat di kurangi satu ngancam keluar. Rakyat juga muak dengan prilaku PKS,” kata dia.

Bagi dia, kalaupun PKS ingin tetap berada di koalisi tidaklah masalah asalkan semua menterinya di reshuffle dari Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu (KIB) Jilid II agar tidak menjadi sandungan di koalisi.

“Jadi, mau tetap dikoalisi tak apa-apa tapi menterinya dicopot semua. Kalau, masih kayaknya ini mereka bagai duri dalam daging,” jelasnya

(Munir) sumber

Salah Kostum, Buah Dada Rihanna Mengintip

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Rihanna (Foto: Dailymail)
NIAT hati menutupi kegemukan, hasilnya justru membuat ketidaknyamanan bagi Rihanna saat berada di hadapan publik.

Merasa lebih gemuk, penyanyi berkulit hitam, Rihanna memilih busana berlengan panjang guna menutupi kelebihan bobot yang dirasakannya. Namun nyatanya usaha tersebut tak berjalan mulus dikarenakan ketidaknyamanan justru menyerangnya.

Rihanna yang baru-baru ini tengah mengubah warna rambutnya kembali mengungkapkan mengenai rasa tidak aman pada tubuhnya selama wawancara intim di acara Daybreak, Kamis (28/3) malam.

Selama mengobrol dengan Kate Garraway, presenter acara tersebut, Rihanna mengakui merasa gemuk beberapa hari ini dan ingin memiliki apa yang orang lain miliki pada keadaan seperti ini.

Guna menepis ketidakpercayaan diri tersebut, Riri sapaan akrab Rihanna pun memompa semangatnya dengan menampilkan busana berbeda yang dikenakannya.

Pada acara ulang tahun ke-24 tahun Radio BBC One, Riri mengenakan gaun pendek motif cerah berbelahan dada rendah dengan bentuk V neck. Dengan kerah rendah tersebut sangat jelas terlihat bahwa dirinya tidak mengenakan bra.

Rihanna pun menyempurnakan tampilannya dengan hemline tinggi dan strappy heels guna memamerkan kakinya yang ramping, seperti dilansir Dailymail, Jumat (30/3/2012).

Meski terlihat sempurna, kenyataannya pesona Rihanna justru kurang terlihat karena busana berbeda yang dikenakannya membuat dirinya tampak terlihat gemuk karena bagian lengan busana yang cenderung longgar. (ind) (tty)

Berbusana Hitam, Seohyun ?SNSD? Tampak Chic

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Seohyun (Foto: Allkpop)
ELEGANITAS hitam memang selalu berhasil membuat pemakainya menawan. Hal itulah yang terlihat pada tampilan busana Seohyun, personel girldband Korea, SNSD.

Meski gelap, warna hitam menampilkan pesona tersendiri ketika digunakan. Apalagi ketika kulit pemakainya terlihat cerah, maka tampilan pun semakin menawan. Kesan itu pun berhasil diguratkan anggota termuda dari SNSD, Seohyun yang terlihat chic saat berada di airport ketika hendak bertolak meninggalkan Korea.

Akibat tampilan foto anggota SNSD tersebut, airport fashion itu pun jadi perbincangan di di internet baru-baru ini. Dengan cepat foto tersebut beredar cepat di situs komunitas online. Seohyun yang terlihat cantik alami tersebut terlihat chic lewat penggunaan t-shirt yang dipadu mantel dan jins warna hitam. Atas tampillan tersebut, Seohyun pun mendapat julukan "New York" Vibe, seperti dilansir Allkpop.

Penampilan Seohyun kian menarik lewat penggunaan mantel hitam panjang yang dikenakannya, serta tas hitam yang kian membuat tampilannya serasi. Agar terlihat sedikit semarak, Seohyun sengaja memberikan sentuhan trendi syal leopard-print di bahunya, serta belt warna gold-studded.

Berkat pilihan busananya yang terlihat chic dan keren, Seohyun pun membuat bandara terlihat seperti panggung untuk pemotretan berkelas. Melihat idolanya tampak cantik, Seohyun pun banjir komentar dari fansnya. "Seohyun’s airport fashion is superior,” “Pilihan warna hitam Seohyun sangat keren," dan "Seohyun, tampilan dari kepala hingga kaki, chic!.” (ind) 


IPW: Penyerbuan Kantor YLBHI Lebih Barbar dari Rezim Orba

Ilustrasi (Okezone)JAKARTA - Aksi penyerbuan aparat kepolisian ke kantor Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI) menuai kecaman. Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) menyebut aksi tersebut dinilai sebagai tindak pelanggaran HAM.

"Penyerbuan yang dilakukan polisi ke kantor YLBHI adalah sebuah tindak pidana, pelanggaran HAM dan pelecehan terhadap demokratisasi," tegas Ketua Presidium IPW Neta S Pane kepada okezone, Sabtu (31/3/2012) malam.

Ditamnahkan Neta, aksi tersebut bahkan lebih biadab daripada rezim Orde Baru. "Apa yang dilakukan polisi di kantor LBH lebih barbar dari rezim orde baru," pungkasnya.

Seperti diketahui, insiden penggerebekan di kantor YLBHI lantaran disinyalir tempat itu dijadikan markas tempat berkumpulnya mahasiswa sebelum menggelar aksi.

Namun, pihak YLBHI secara tegas menolak disebut sebagai sarang dan markas para demonstran yang melakukan kekerasan. Sejak dulu YLBHI tak pernah menolak memberikan perlindungan terhadap siapa pun yang membutuhkan.

Menurutnya, LBH akan tetap terbuka kepada siapa pun yang membutuhkan perlindungan hukum, termasuk terhadap mahasiswa yang tengah berunjuk menolak rencana pemerintah menaikan harga BBM. “Bagaimanapun, prinsip kami tetap anti kekerasan,” tegas Ketua YLBHI Alvon K Palma.

(put) sumber

RIM Bantah Menyerah di Pasar Konsumer

Andina Librianty detail berita 
OTTAWA – Research In Motion (RIM) membatalkan klaim tentang keluar dari bisnis smartphone konsumer. Hal ini disampaikan oleh SVP and MD Global Sales and Regional Marketing RIM, Patrick Spence yang mengatakan bahwa klaim tersebut tidak sepenuhnya akurat.
Sebelumnya CEO RIM, Thorsten Heins mengklaim, perusahaan tersebut akan fokus pada sektor bisnis setelah mengalami kerugian USD125 juta. Tapi kabar terbaru, RIM telah mengatakan pada Tech Radar itu hanya sebagian dari cerita.

“Pernyataan bahwa RIM mengatakan akan menarik diri dari pasar konsumer, tidak akurat,” ujar Spence.

“Sementara ini kami mengumumkan rencana untuk kembali fokus pada kekuatan inti kami dan pada basis pelanggan perusahaan. Kami sangat tegas bahwa, akan terus membangun kekuatan untuk mengejar target segmen konsumer kami,” tambahnya.

Diantara kekuatan yang dimaksud Spence, antara lain adalah BBM (BlackBerry Messenger, keamanan dan pengelolaan platformnya.

Pernyataan Spence itu juga didukung dengan kicauan Twitter VP Developer Relations RIM, Alec Saunder. “Penafsiran pernyataan soal BlackBerry itu keliru. Kami tidak meninggalkan pasar konsumer,” ujarnya seperti dilansir dari TechRadar, Minggu (1/4/2012).

Selain itu RIM juga mengatakan beberapa informasi, yaitu ponsel BlackBerry 7 baru akan hadir tahun ini dan akan membawa gelombang baru BlackBerry di pasar melalui prombakan sistem operasi BlackBerry 10, meski tidak memberikan rincian tentang kapan akan diluncurkan.

Monday, February 20, 2012 Positive Thinking: The Story of A Guy Who Defeated 4th Stage Cancer - Two Sides of the Positive/Negative Thinking Coin

Work is going terrible? Things look bad? 

You think you have it bad now? Seriously? 

Let me tell you about my friend Paul (not his real name) and how his life and death are a good lesson for us all.

Paul was a very popular and well known guy. You might say he was famous. At least in the music business in Japan, everyone knew him. Everyone in the world who knows a very famous late 80s ~ early 90s Japanese all-girl punk band  knows his work. Paul lived a fun and full fast life; fast foods, late nights, drinking and other recreational activities. Besides that, Paul was a heavy cigarette smoker for years. 

One day, out of the blue, Paul had a sore throat. The sore throat didn't go away after a few weeks so Paul went to the doctor again. There, he was diagnosed with forth stage cancer of the throat. 

The forth stage of cancer is, as you may know, the worst and final stages of the disease. Forth stage usually means that the cancer has penetrated the lymph system of the human body. The chances of survival are less than 5%... Suddenly, with all these things going on you'd think that Paul would get very depressed.

Well, he did. Like most people, Paul got very depressed. 

Soon, his condition got worse. It got a lot worse. Of course it did. It had to with an attitude like that.

Then, one day, while he was at work, we met and had a nice long talk. This was after I helped my own daughter defeat forth stage cancer. Paul believed that I could tell him why some people defeat cancer and why some people don't. 

Paul was a difficult discussion. Paul was a like a "sponge." Unconsciously, he was sucking the life and energy out of everyone he came into contact with. I could feel it. He was in a near panic that he felt he was going to die soon. Paul was grasping, searching for me, for anyone, to tell him some sort of knowledge, some sort of epiphany, some sort of magic that would make it all go away. He wanted some sort of "key" to wisdom that would answer his questions and make him healthy again. 

I told him that the knowledge I have he already knows too. I told him that he already knew what had to be done, he just hadn't realized that it was there, right in front of him, the entire time.

Paul told me that whenever he went to the doctor's office (of course it was the doctor for cancer so all the patient's there were cancer patients) he would enter the waiting room. In the waiting room everyone would be looking down. Whenever a new patient entered the room, they look up look nervously at the faces of the other patients. Everyone, he said, would be reading each other's faces and body language to try to determine who was the next one to die and who would survive. 

They were all sponges taking the life energy out of each other. It was like death row at a prison.

I asked Paul to stop this behavior immediately. I asked him to stop being a sponge. I asked him to stop absorbing the light from other people and, instead, start projecting the light. I told him that, instead of entering the doctors waiting room, nervously, like the others, enter bringing hope for everyone else. Smile and be positive. Show the others that you (Paul) are going to be one that survives. Show them the way that they can survive and, not only survive, how to thrive. 

I hate to sound corny, but John Lennon had it right; "And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you give."

I told him to stop taking energy from others and, instead, to start giving out positive energy.

Paul also told me that he knew that if he could just convince the doctors and the nurses that he was going to recover that he would recover. I told him that he was wrong. I told him that he didn't need to convince the doctors and the nurses; he only needed to convince himself. 
I believe that ancient books, like the bible, are filled with wonderful stories that are not necessary to be taken literally, but to be understood figuratively. In the bible, when Jesus walked on water, we know that it is literally impossible to walk on water. But we know that people can do the "impossible." I think Jesus walking on water means that he accomplished what people thought was impossible... Perhaps like the Wright Brothers making a flying machine. In the bible, Jesus said, "All you need to do is to have faith."

I told Paul that it wasn't necessary for the doctors and nurses and his wife and children to believe that he was going to be cured. It was only necessary that he believed that he was going to be cured.

I told him to take the 5 tips towards winning that I mentioned yesterday. I told him that he needed to do that because he needed to train his mind to be positive for the rest of his life. He promised me he would. He did. He did it religiously, he told me. I also told him that,

"When you recover, you must remember to wake up everyday and continue with these steps to prevent the cancer from returning." This is obvious as a cancer is a physiological disorder and a positive mental attitude is necessary to stop it or keep it at bay.

Paul took my advice to heart. He started becoming positive again. He started going to the doctors office and, when the door opened and he entered, he was light a bright shining star bringing happiness and positivity to the other patients. He greeted everyone with a smile. He started creating in his heart the image and the belief that he was positive and that he was a good force and that he was actually, through his positivity and his actions, healing himself and helping others to heal.

Soon, Paul's cancer shrank and fell back into remission. He was ecstatic. His doctor was extremely pleased. 
The next time I met him he was a changed man. I couldn't believe how much he thanked me. But he needn't thank me. I told him nothing that he didn't already know: That faith and positive thinking and beliefs can move mountains.

But, alas, this story doesn't have a happy ending. But it does have an important lesson for everyone: Several months later, upon being given a clean bill of health, and being told that the cancer was in complete remission by the doctors, Paul returned to work and his normal lifestyle, Paul began to live as he did before...  

One day, after work, when riding his motorcycle home, he was hit at an intersection by a car and the accident severely broke his hipbone in several places. Paul had to return to the hospital where he languished. He was mentally shattered by this accident. 

I believe that Paul was so disappointed by this accident and the fact that he had to return to the hospital bed for a few months that he fell into deep depression. 

I spoke to Paul again, briefly on the phone, and he was a defeated man. He was crushed to be back into the hospital. Soon after, I'm sure to nobody's surprise, the cancer returned. Paul would die from complications from the cancer and the treatment soon after.

Like I said, there seems to be an important lesson here. When Paul became positive, he healed himself. When he became depressed, he got sick. Could the quickness of this change and how the illness returned show anything but the importance of a positive mental attitude?

A positive mental attitude is not something that you can just turn on and off like a light switch. It must be grown and it must be cultivated. 

A beautiful garden of flowers and roses does not appear overnight. It takes months of doing groundwork, shoveling, spading, planting, watering and nurturing.

Are you doing enough to nurture your soul and your positive attitude? Are you doing enough so that you can become a beacon of light?

Prostitution in Japan is Illegal but the Police Often Look the Other Way! Prostitution Should Not be Illegal!

My best friend, Ken, just went to a birthday party at Yoshiwara. Lucky guy. Yoshiwara is the traditional "Red light district" in Tokyo that is full of the, er, "prostitution parlors" No! I mean, the "health massage" parlors.

Yeah. "Health massage" that's it.

Gratuitous cheesecake photo #1

This is a blog post about prostitution in Japan. I've wanted to write about this subject for a very long time. I don't mean "prostitution in Japan" I mean prostitution in general. 

Folks, in Japan or any other place on earth, the utter notion that prostitution should be illegal is complete and total nonsense.

Prostitutes on display in Edo period

The idea that prostitution is illegal is ridiculous. What two consenting adults want to do is none of your business or mine. If some guy wants to pay some woman for consensual sex, then what do you or I care? It's none of our business. I certainly don't want to pay taxes to stop some guy (who I don't even know) from meeting with some other guy or girl (that I don't even know) and having sex. Who cares what they do?

In Japan, prostitution is illegal on the books, but it is going on, everywhere, even as I write this post. In fact, right after the big March 11 earthquake and tsunami disaster of 2011, sex-services were some of the first to get back into business and get the economy back on track.

Sex-services provide a much needed service to society. Please refer to Sex Services in Japan First to get Back to Business After Earthquake:

Well, hats off to the world's oldest profession. It seems that right after the Tohoku disaster,  sex- related  service industries were the first back to business. 

The excellent Tokyo Reporter has the story for us:

Even the horrifying death and devastation that struck northeastern Japan on March 11 could not suppress the human sex drive for long. Friday (June 10) reports that sex businesses were among the first to recover, many as soon as one week after the disaster.
“I was back at my job on March 18,” says Kitty-san, a 21-year-old employee of a delivery health (out-call sex service) service named Ainori in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. “From the day we reopened demand was even higher than it was before the disaster. Many customers had suffered from the catastrophe, and had even lost family members. They justified their urges, saying they ‘sought psychological relief’ or ‘wanted to be consoled.’ 

Prostitution is one of the oldest professions on earth. No amount of legislation is going to change that. Like I wrote, when two consenting adults want to meet and have sex, then that is none of anyone else's business. Whether money changes hands is also not important.

"No! You're going the wrong way! It's that way!"

Ask any guy if they've ever spent big money on a date in the hopes of getting a girl in the sack! Ask any employee if they trade their time for money at work. 

Who is it to judge what is morally correct or not. Hell, Jesus hung around with prostitutes and drunks... Sounds like a fun crowd to me!

And why can't a person sell what is theirs? Be it time or their body (I do not subscribe to the idea that prostitution is selling one's body. Prostitution is selling one's time). The only things that any one of us truly own, without any argument, is our bodies and our time. Those are two things which we, as free adults, have the inalienable right to do with as we please as long as we don't bother, burden or interfere with others. 

If a person can sell, say, a car they own, then a person can surely sell their time (or, "body" as some claim)* 

Yoshiwara's old gate (it's gone now)

The idea that this sort of legislation of morality can and should be controlled is madness. And how can we be sure that a money exchange is occurring? By police entrapment? Oh, yes, I'm sure that's what we are paying taxes for. So that the police can go undercover as prostitutes to entrap guys who need some kicks.


Gratuitous cheesecake photo #2

I didn't always think this way. I used to think that prostitution should be illegal. But a good Japanese friend of mine once pointed out to me, "Prostitution in Japan is illegal, but if two people fall in love for fifteen minutes, what's to stop them from falling in love?" When he first told me this, I thought it was completely crazy nonsense, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the nanny-state morality that most people have up their arses is what the really complete nonsense is here.

Tonight's "menu"?

Prostitution should be legalized. Period. (Let me also give a disclaimer here that I have never paid for prostitution services and have no interest in them. But I am certainly not interested in paying taxes so that the police can spend hundreds of millions of yen running sting operations to bust prostitution parlors!)

The biggest place in Japan where prostitution is traditionally going on, and everyone knows it, yet the police look the other way is Yoshiwara, near Asakusa. Like I said, prostitution in Japan is "illegal" but, well, like I also said, "if two people meet for 15 minutes and fall in love, what's to stop them?"

Yoshiwara today

Sex Services in Japan First to Get Back to Business After Earthquake

Japan is slowly getting back to business. It's about time. When the government tells us that we shouldn't celebrate because of the March 11 disaster and that we should cancel festivals, Hanami and other drinking parties, that only serves to hurt local business and the economy.

The best thing any of us can do is to try to get our lives back to normal and get the economy going. We need to work, we need to sleep, we need to play.... I certainly need to go out drinking and enjoying life more. 

I can't imagine anyone else who doesn't need to go out and enjoy life more.

Well, hats off to the world's oldest profession. It seems that right after the Tohoku disaster,  sex- related  service industries were the first back to business. 

The excellent Tokyo Reporter has the story for us:

Even the horrifying death and devastation that struck northeastern Japan on March 11 could not suppress the human sex drive for long. Friday (June 10) reports that sex businesses were among the first to recover, many as soon as one week after the disaster.
“I was back at my job on March 18,” says Kitty-san, a 21-year-old employee of a delivery health (out-call sex service) service named Ainori in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. “From the day we reopened demand was even higher than it was before the disaster. Many customers had suffered from the catastrophe, and had even lost family members. They justified their urges, saying they ‘sought psychological relief’ or ‘wanted to be consoled.’
Gratuitous cheesecake photo #1
I suppose you could call it "Psychological relief" or "Consolation"....
“A lot of customers had been evacuated to temporary shelters where they couldn’t bathe, and just wanted to go to a hotel so they could get cleaned up,” Kitty continues. “One guy, who was about 35 years old, was pretty grubby. ‘I haven’t had a bath for two weeks’ he told me. He seemed so happy when I gave him a shampoo.”
So great was demand to use local hotel rooms with power and hot water, couples could even be seen queued up outside waiting their turn.
“I think our shop was the first one back in business after the quake,” says an employee of Ainori. “We couldn’t get through to the girls at first because cell phone communications had shut down. Afterwards we finally made contact. 
Prostitution and the free exchange of time and services between two consenting adults is a free market ideal and a business that's been around since the beginning of society. No amount of government legislation will ever change that. Making laws that makes these activities illegal is pure nonsense.
You cannot legislate morality.
I applaud these businesses for getting back on track early and creating jobs for people. The economy needs it.


Gratuitous cheesecake photo #2

Tokyo in 1979, 1984 and Today

All my life I've thought that having a diary was a good thing. I never started writing one because I was; a) way too lazy. And, b) Never really thought what was going on was worth writing about...

Actually, that last part is not exactly true... I thought it was interesting enough, it's just that I was always too drunk/high or fatalistic and figured that I'd die before I finished the book about my life's story... So why bother? I wouldn't get the royalties for the movie rights anyway. 

I reckon that makes sense in a twisted sort of way.

One guy, though, that seems to have been keeping a diary for all these years is my friend Andrew Joseph. He writes a blog called, "It's a Wonderful Rife." "Wonderful Rife" is all about his escapades as an English teacher in Japan in the early 1990's. Sometimes he has some really steamy stories that are quite full of ribaldry and sex. One such story is a recent posting about a hot babe named Junko. I think Andrew is in that story too somewhere, but I can't remember...

Read more about Junko and her other "friends" at


Well, as you can guess... I've never written a diary. That's why, sometimes, I use this blog for one. Recently, Andrew's postings have inspired me to tell a short story about what Tokyo was like when I first came to Japan in 1979... Then, in 1984, when I moved here for good.

Today, in 2011, Tokyo is full of foreigners. Foreigners are not unusual at all in today's Japan (excepting way out in the countryside I hear). But it wasn't that way not that long ago. It used to be that foreigners were like movie stars in Japan merely by the fact that they were foreigners. I know. I was here when that was the case.

I first came to Japan in December of 1979. I was a Southern California boy and a university student. The Socialists who were running the government in the California at the time had something they called, "Affirmative Action." What that meant was that they thought they could use your tax money to even things out for others. If the population of your town was, say, 50% Hispanic, or some other minority, then they did some social engineering and required that all schools, government positions, and scholarships had to be divvied up amongst the Hispanics and whites 50/50.

At that time, I was a half-Japanese American guy at university. Having a Japanese mom and American dad put me in the classification as a "Pacific Islander" (nonsense, sure, but I didn't make the laws). Most of the Japanese American kids I knew studied stuff like becoming a lawyer or doctor. I was studying television. I would find out later that, at my entire university, I was the only "Pacific Islander" studying television (those were the days way before Tricia Toyota and Connie Chung, and all these other beautiful Asian American women you see so often on TV nowadays). 
Since I was the only "Pacific Islander" and I had very good grades, that set me up for a scholarship... Are you sitting down?... That was in 1979 and the government of California gave me over $7,800 to go to university! It wasn't a loan. They just gave it to me!!! Can you believe it? I couldn't either.

Of course, I didn't waste that money on school or books or stuff like that! I wanted to use it to have fun! I found out how to go around the system (It's the government after all! Of course they were all messed up!) and I got the check cashed and immediately went and spent a large part of it on taking a one month vacation to Japan.

I stayed at some friend's house in Chiba but, most of the time, I stayed at my girlfriend's house in Kawasaki. I didn't have much of a clue as to what was going on the entire time I was in Japan because, even though I was half-Japanese, I was too stupid to bother learning any of the language before I got here. After all, the second language of the Japanese people is English right?... Wrong!

One day, my friend in Chiba decided to take me to a prostitution parlor... Er, I mean, a massage parlor, er, I mean a "health parlor" called, "Soapland." He  brought me inside and I sat in a waiting room. It soon became apparent to me what kind of establishment that place was and I got very frightened! I know! I know! I am a wimp, but I was only 19 at the time and had never, ever paid for sex and wasn't about to then.

I'm not that kind of guy!  

Yes. She could frighten me out of my pants!

Like an idiot, I ran out of the Soapland and into the "pink" area of town and was completely and totally lost. Like I said, I couldn't speak any Japanese so I was walking around trying to get someone to help me find my way back to where ever it was I was going to....

In Japanese, the word "lost" can be said a few ways. There is "makeru" which means like, "I lost the game" and there is "mayou" which means like "I am lost and can't find my way" (as well as a few others). I opened my Berlitz dictionary and looked up "lost." There I choose the first definition which was "makeru." Which means, "I lost (the game)"....

But, "Makeru" can also mean "discount" too! So here I was walking around the pink area of town and all these yakuza looking types were trying to get me to go into their parlors for some paid sex and I was looking for someone to help me get back to my friend's place. I kept mistakenly saying, "Makeru!" (I'm lost!) and they took that to mean, "Give me a discount!" They all smiled and nodded and welcomed me into their places.

I couldn't figure out why they didn't understand that I needed help. They probably couldn't understand why, when I asked for a discount, and they said, "Yes!" yet I kept walking on. Finally, after wandering around totally lost for over 2 hours, through a stroke of blind luck, I found a police box and the police helped me to find my way back. 

I knew that I had better not take a chance and get lost like that ever again!

A few days later, my same friends took me to Shibuya to drop me off so my girlfriend could pick me up and take me to stay for the remainder of my trip at her home. What a relief that was! At least her English was pretty good.

I was taken to a very famous landmark in Shibuya. It is known by all Tokyoites and visitors to Tokyo as 109 department store. It still stands today as an extremely well-known landmark and meeting place. When I was taken there to meet my girlfriend, 109 had just finished construction and it was the pride of Shibuya.

My friend dropped me off and told me to stand in front of 109 department store, but I was early by an hour or so. Even with that, I was quite leery of going off and adventuring by myself because of the recent experience in Chiba so I thought I'd better stay put and wait for my girlfriend.

So that's when it happened. And that's the first amazing part of this story. I told you that there were no foreigners here at all. There weren't. While I stood there waiting for my girlfriend, all sorts of people were walking by me and pointing and staring. Some people said, "Hi!" I said, "Hi!" back.

After about 10 minutes of waiting an extremely beautiful girl walked up to me and said in very good English, "Why don't you come and have a coffee or tea with me?" I thought, "WTF? I didn't know this girl. What was going on here?" Even though she was a babe, I declined because my girlfriend was a babe too and, after coffee, what was I going to do? Where would I stay?

I know what you are thinking: "Duh! This Rogers guy is a real moron!" And, yes, I would agree with you.

Well, I said, "Thanks, but no thanks" to the beautiful girl and just thought, "Wow! What an awesome babe!"

But it wasn't just that girl. After her, three different extremely gorgeous women walked up to me and, in very good English, basically asked me the same thing! The last two really blew my mind. One said,

"Oh, I'm sorry. She's not coming, you know. Why don't you just come along with me?"

The last one was even more brash and said, 

"She called me up and told me that she can't make it, so she wanted me to take you to dinner." 

I thought, "You know my girlfriend? Are you sure? Wait a minute!" 

Finally, not being the sharpest tool in the shed, it dawned on me what was going on. These girls were actually trying to pick up on me. I couldn't believe it!  In all the years I had lived in the USA not once did a girl ever ask me out for a date excepting Shanda Shinkaruk, my very first date which was a Sadie Hawkins "Backwards dance" when I was in ninth grade. Now, here I was in Japan, standing on the street corner and, all within an hour, four different girls... NO! Four different extremely awesome sexy Japanese girls who you'd die for were trying to pick me up!

It was like I'd died and gone to heaven!

"What a wonderful country Japan is!" I thought. "I want to live here!"

That was 1979. You may think I am totally stupid, but, my girlfriend, by the way, was a famous model at that time and was on the cover of magazines... That's why I thought twice about dumping her for these hussy women... Today? Absolutely not! I wouldn't think about it for 1/2 a second before I'd be massaging their toes and cooking dinner for them every night!

Anyway... Between 1979 and 1984, I came to Japan many times and, each time, I never wanted to return to the USA... Finally, in 1984 or so, I got fed up with the USA and my job and decided to move around the world. I wrote about that in Working With Thieves Liars and Crooks. But the first place I wanted to live was, of course, Japan.  

In 1984 foreigners were still rare in Japan - and popular with the women, and that led to my first divorce as I was unable to control my hormones.

I still feel sorry for my ex-wife and kids about that. Forgive me. The How to Survive Women Blog has an excellent article about that entitled: Cheated on - Now What? 

But I digress.

By 1984, when I moved to Japan, I had taken several courses in Japanese language at my university and was one of the top students in class (it didn't hurt that there were many Japanese exchange student women living in the dorms with which I could, er, "exchange" lessons with.)

I landed a job with an English school in Shinjuku, then Iidabashi. Since I could speak some Japanese, I was the liaison between the Japanese staff (managers) and the few foreigners on roster. 

Those, my friends, were the glory days of English teaching in Japan.

Yen to dollar rate from 1985 to 1989. From 1985 to 1989, the US dollar lost 1/2 its value against the Japanese yen. English teachers were being paid $50,000 a year - or more - working part time teaching English!

In those days, since I was in management, I know, there were English teachers at our company getting paid, I'd say, on average, ¥700,000 per month. Some were earning over ¥1,000,000 per month. ¥700,000 per month, in 1985, was "only" about $2,756 per month in USD. By 1989, that was about $5,512 per month... And that was for 20 hours a week of classroom time!

Think about that! English teachers were so rare in those days that they were earning, on average, more than $60,000 a year in 1989. People who couldn't get a job mowing lawns back home were pulling down $60 thusand dollars a year teaching part time and sleeping with their students! Since I was a measly liaison, I was only making $80,000 a year to babysit those dumb foreigners (maybe not so dumb, eh?) I even knew a few guys who were making twice that amount.

Like I said, those were the Golden Days of English teaching in Japan. No matter how much I warned other foreigners around me, people played and spent like the gravy train would never end. So don't tell me that teaching English in Japan is a crap job, I remember when it was an awesome job!

Like I said, English speaking people were a rarity and we were always short of them. My old boss, Mr. Hasegawa, and I would go to Shinjuku station and hang around looking for foreigners to teach classes for that evening. We were desperate! If the foreigner was walking and breathing, then they qualified for a teaching job.

We even hired white guys with the names of Ewvig and Euwie (from Austria and South Africa) and told them to say their names were Eric and Ernie, just to save, er, "confusion"... Oh, and don't forget to say that you are from "Canada" or "Nevada"... That's to "explain the accent."

I remember a guy named Arya who, during class, wowed the students with some great phrases like, "Someone explain me this!" or "How to someone say that?" Seriously, he really did say things like that. I cringed...

But it didn't matter...

Those were the days. Us foreigners were rare and oft sought after. We got paid gross amounts of money. Even if we were the dorkiest jerks in town, we got the hottest girls... And why? Not because of our training or education, but just because of our looks, even if they weren't good. Just because we didn't look Japanese. We had the place in the top of society just because of who our parents were and where we were born. Pure and simple and stupid blind luck.

Today, being a foreigner in Japan is no big deal... In fact, in many circles, it is now a detriment... It used to have style and pizzazz! Not anymore.

There is no real moral to this story excepting that I can say that Japan, up until the mid-nineteen nineties was pure men's heaven... I thank god to have been able to have lived through that, in the right place, and at the right time.

Seriously, she was one of my students... Well, at least several girls who look exactly like her were.

NOTE: Later on, I'm going to have to write about when I was a teacher at a girl's high school... Now THAT was a dangerous job. There were at least 9 awesome girls in my class. Or the time I was teaching another class and a girl that easily scored a 10+ wanted to talk to me after class and she started unbuckling my belt while we were discussing her score... Of course, I gave her a 100... Both jobs I quit immediately... Like I said, they were way too dangerous.
