
Monday, April 16, 2012

Do You Know Who You Are?

It’s a funny thing when we step into being a woman entrepreneur because we hold so many more roles today than in the past.
The question comes down to, “Do you know who you are?”
One minute you are a mother or you know that you should be a mother.
Because your clock is ticking . . .

The next minute you are wondering how you could possibly do any more than you already are because your company is so important to your calling in life.
I know these feelings, because I too have them just like every other woman on the planet. We are expected to do so much these days that it’s tough just to know what side is up some days, not to mention that you have so little time for yourself.

The good news is that as things have changed, so have the rules.
You no longer have to do it all on your own, but it’s going to take some work on your side to change your beliefs about what YOUR JOB is! It’s not doing more laundry or cleaning another oven—at least not if you plan on running your company full time.
Like the technology in our cars, women have come a long way.
We do not operate the way we used to.
We read study after study of how people HATE change. However, it’s the most lucrative skill to obtain—evolving with change! Allow for something different to fill the space that stress is occupying.

Be OK with someone helping you clean your house. Get the family involved in sharing the cooking. As you add to your household’s bottom line, know that some things must give to allow space for that to happen.
Here’s what will happen if you try and do it all by yourself:
  • You will not make as much money.
  • Your health will deteriorate.
  • And you will become unhappy—which affects everything you touch!
So make a commitment that whenever you notice stress taking over—stop and redirect your mind to being grateful for something that is relevant!
Redirecting your mind is such a safety net for not losing yourself in the chaos of false thoughts. Women are innately at the top of the food chain for problem solving, so use your time wisely to delegate tasks.
I know it’s hard at first, but trust me—You won’t miss the days when you had no time for yourself at the end of the day!

Delegating is simple. See below:
#1 Be all right with letting things go and finding another way for YOU not to have to do it!
That is the FIRST RULE of getting the job done and enjoying the fruits of being an intelligent woman. I see people with NO money letting things go all the time, so do not say that you can’t do this because you are broke.
Think outside the box and be committed to finding a NEW way now!
#2 Make a list of the tasks that you do that DO NOT create income directly.
Then find a way to get someone else to do them for you!
#3 Let go of the ATTITUDE that you are stuck doing it all yourself, because that mentality is never going to make you money—meaning you WILL NOT loosen the grip of lack when you come from that point of view.

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